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SWMACC Waitangi Day event tackles Pacific Health.

February 05, 2017

We celebrated Waitangi Day at the centre on MONDAY 6th February with a free Fitclub Pacific Dance Workshop and an official program afterwards to promote active and healthy lifestyles for Pacific peoples. Thank You Anoulack Chanthivong MP member for Macquarie Fields for attending our Waitangi Day Event and the team from the Fitclub. Many thanks also to the Patea family for the wonderful entertainment, representatives from Mission Australia, and our local community.  

'Meet and Greet' inspires better communties.

January 27, 2017

SWMACC, in partnership with Mission Australia, was proud to host the Kiwi Daddy's Incorporated 'Meet and Greet'.

Sydney Kiwi Daddy's Inc advocates for Young men and Fathers in raising awareness against suicide, domestic violence and depression. Also present were members of the New South Wales Council for Pacific Communities (NSWCPC). The members from the NSWCPC presented 'Back to School' packs to be gifted to families within their local Community.


Photo Credit: Sydney Kiwi Daddy's Incorporated

Teaching beach safety.

January 17, 2017

Recently around 25 youth had the chance to spend a day at the beach to learn some tips and tricks to stay safe. South West Multicultural and Community Centre partnered with the Afghan Fajar Inc, Campbelltown City Council, Surf Life Saving NSW, Youth Off The Streets, MDSI and The Junction Works to provide both pre workshop and a Beach Safe workshop at Port Kembla beach during the recent summer holidays. 

Young leaders emerge from the crowd.

May 31, 2016

One of the most satisfying SWMACC projects over the years has been the continued success of the Emerging Pacific Youth Leadership Program (EPYLP). The EPYLP was created to empower and educate aspiring young leaders through a program that balanced cultural awareness with real-world learning opportunities; including collaborative forums, workshops, training and speaking engagements. Two young people to have emerged from this program and go on to better things are Selwyn and Rebecca.


Selwyn get's down to business.

Before joining the EPYLP, Selwyn Lloyd wore hi-vis gear and worked as a labourer. These days, Selwyn is highly visible in the community. After gaining a qualification in community work, Selwyn is now employed by the Department of Education as a support worker, has been a White Ribbon Day ambassador, and is the founder of the #FistsDown social media campaign which inspires youth to make better decisions and put a stop to organised fights and brawls. After developing the idea with the help of his SWMACC mentors, Selwyn presented the idea to Multicultural NSW and the heads of departments for NSW Police, the Department of Education, Family and Community Services (FACS) and the NSW Council for Pacific Communities. It was well received and Selwyn is now looking to get the campaign into the wider community and into schools. Further study is also on the cards for Selwyn. When he can fit it around his now extremely busy schedule.



Rebecca finds her voice.

Being shy isn't an ideal quality for a leader, but Rebecca hasn't let that stop her from accomplishing so much in her 14 years. The naturally gifted athlete, who comes from an Aboriginal and Samoan background, attributes the  EPYLP as the boost she needed to overcome her shyness and build her self-confidence. That culminated in Rebecca performing the national anthem, in English and her Aboriginal language, for the state premier and a large audience, receiving rave reviews and requests for further performances. Rebecca has since received numerous awards and scholarships for both her academic and community- service achievements. Earlier this year, Rebecca was elected as the youth representative, the youngest person to have ever held this highly regarded role.



Selwyn fights fire with fire #FistsDown

May 24, 2016

Our own Selwyn Lloyd (Emerging Pacific Youth Leadership Program and Urban Youth Council member)  has launched an anti-violence campaign which has gathered support  from all sectors of the community - including NSW Fire and Rescue. Fighting fire with fire, Selwyn aims to use social media to advocate his anti-violence message of '#FistsDown', primarily because this is how young people communicate and where problems are instigated and fights organised. Love your work Selwyn. Click through to read the full story.



Photo credit: Chirs Lane 

Story: Jess Layt Campbelltown Marcarthur Advertiser.

Former American Idol visits SWMACC

February 19, 2015

SWMACC invited former American Idol contestant, and Hawaii native, Deandre to visit Australia and share his talent and musical journey with the youth of Campbelltown. Deandre dropped into James Meehan High School and the Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre. He also presented workshops at the Campbelltown Arts Centre and performed a concert. Click through to read the full story.


Story: Jess Layt Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser.

Minto Youth organise Waitangi Day celebrations

February 08, 2015

Waitangi Day is a significant date for many New Zealanders. It marks the day on which the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. Over 4000 Campbelltown residents were born in New Zeland, so it was fitting that celebrations be held at South West Multicultural and Community Centre in Minto (SWMACC). Even more fitting was that the event was organised by youth participants of our Urban Youth Council program. Click through to read the full story.


Picture Credit: Anna Warr

Story: Jess Layt Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser.

Serious fun for good food

February 10, 2014

It was all fun and games when SWMACC was asked to host the first  Pacific Kids program in Minto, introducing the Go4Fun group tailored to help develop good food habits to a specific cultural community. The program was developed by the South Western Sydney Local Health District to specifically help children aged seven to 13 who are above a healthy weight. The 10-week program included workshops on healthy eating and fun exercises aimed at improving the fitness and wellbeing of participants. Oh, and the food was YUMMO!

Click through to read the full story. 



Photo credit: Jonathan Ng

Story: Meagan Gorrey Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser.


Aunty Mollie calls it a day.

March 20, 2012

Cr Mollie Thomas, known affectionately as Aunty Mollie has decided not to run again for council in September. For over 20 years Cr Thomas has been at the forefront of community work in south-western Sydney. South West Multicultural and Community Centre coordinator, Mal Fruean was mentored by Cr Thomas and understands how much of a loss it means for the community. But she is spirited by the knowledge of the legacy left behind and the example set by 'Auntie Mollie' - especially for the Pacific community. Auntie Mollie was a stalwart of SWMACC and advocate for the human rights of all people in the community. Click through to read the full story. 


Photo and Story credit: Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser.

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